
Peabody Machinery Accident Crushes Worker’s Leg

In Peabody, Massachusetts, a transfer machine crushed the legs of a worker who was part of a highway repaving project on Route 128 south. According to Phil Jodoin, the resident engineer for MassHighway who was on the scene to oversee the project, the construction accident occurred at 10:30 on Monday evening when the worker was run over by a machine that transfers asphalt dumped by trucks into a paving machine that puts it on the road.

Work stopped temporarily while the work crew waited for a safety officer from the Dracut-based heavy construction company to arrive at the scene of the machinery accident, along with a representative from the Occupational Safety and Health Administration.

The injured worker was not identified, but the Peabody Deputy fire Chief told the media he was taken by ambulance to Massachusetts General Hospital in Boston.

Machine crushes worker’s legs, Salem News, May 27, 2009
Contact a Massachusetts workers’ compensation lawyer if you or a relative has been injured on the job.

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